Luwian Glossary.


1. Ivanov V. Common Indo-European, Proto-Slavic and Anatolian Language Systems. Moscow.
2. Ivanov V. The Hittite Language. Moscow, 1963.
3. Gamkrelidze T., Ivanov V. The Indo-European Language and Indo-Europeans. Moscow, 1984.
4. Bajun, L. The Experience of the Comparative Studies of Hitto-Luwian Languages. Moscow, 1990.
5. Korolev, A. Hitto-Luwian Languages. Languages of Asia and Africa, vol. 1. Moscow, 1976.
6. Fasmer, M. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language. Moscow, 1986.

Note: CA = Common Anatolian

a- (he) [Hittite a-, e-]
adari- (to feed) [IE *ed- 'to eat', Hittite etri]
adduwali- (angry) [Hittite idalu-]
ahha (how, when)
aku- (to drink) [IE *ekw- (water, to drink), Common Anatolian (CA) *ekw- (to drink)]
aja- (to make) [Hittite aia-]
annarummi- (strong) [IE *ner-, *aner-t- (man's strength), Hittite innari- (strength)]
anda (in, inside) [IE *en- (in, inside), Hittite anta (in, inside)]
annan (under) [Lycian EnE]
anni- (to lead out) [Hittite anija-]
anni- (mother) [Hittite, Palaic anna- (mother)]
apa- (this, that) [IE *ebho- (that), Hittite, Palaic apa-]
appa- (back, backwards) [Hittite appa]
ari-, ara- (long)
arkammana- (tribute) [Hittite arkamma-, Ugaritic 'argmn]
arma- (moon) [Hittite arma-]
as- (to be) [IE *es- (to be)]
asi'- (to love) [Hittite assija- (to love)]
ašhanuwant- (bloody) [IE *esor- (blood), Hittite ešhanuwant-]
ašhar- (blood) [IE *esor- (blood), CA *eshar- (blood)]
at-, az- (to eat) [IE *ed- (to eat), CA *ed- (to eat)]
-au- (here!) [Hittite -u- (here!)]
dadduwar (put to yourself)
da- (to take) [IE *- (to give, to take, to exchange), CA *da- (to give)]
dakam- (ground) [IE *dhghom- (ground), CA *thekkan- (ground)]
dammaranza (female priests)
daruš- (a statue)
elhai- (to pour) [IE *lei- (to pour), CA *lhai- (to pour)]
erhuwa- (to limit) [Hittite erha- (a border)]
gaši- (a visit) [IE *gasti- (a guest)]
haiani (a temple) [Latin omen, Hittite ha'- (to believe)]
halali- (pure, clean)
halta- (to call, to shout) [Hittite halzai-]
hamša- (a grandson) [CA *hnosa- (a descendant)]
hapi- (a river) [IE *Hap- (water), CA *hap- (a river)]
happina- (a wealth) [IE *op-, *Hap- (wealth), CA *hap- (wealth)]
happiša- (a part of body) [Hittite happeššar]
harduwatt (a heir) [Hittite harduwa- (heritage)]
harmahi- (a head) [Hittite harmahi-]
hasami- (a clan, people)
haššanitti- (an oven)
hattulahit (health) [Hittite haddulatar]
hawi- (a sheep) [IE *owi- (a sheep), CA *hawa- (a sheep)]
hirun (breaking the trust)
hišhija- (to bind) [Hittite išhija-]
huitwalahit (life)
*hulani (wool) [IE *wl-n- (wool), Hittite hulana-]
humma- (a pigsty) [Hittite humma-]
hutarli (a servant)
i- (to go) [IE *ei- (to go)]
immari- (a field, steppe) [Hittite gimmara-]
ipala- (left) [Hittite *gippala-]
išarwili (right) [cf. iššari-]
iššari- (a hand) [IE *g'hesro- (a hand), CA *khesro- (a hand)]
išta- (to stand) [IE *stá- (to stand), CA *sta- (to stand)]
kaluti- (a turn, a circle) [IE *kwel- (to turn, a wheel)?]
kaši- (a visit) [IE *ghosti-? 'a guest']
keš- (to scomb) [CA *ke,s-]
kui- (which, that) [IE *kwi- (relative pronoun), Hittite kui-, Hieroglyphic hwa-]
kummi- (pure) [IE *k'eu- (to shine), Lycian A cumezeine (to pay)]
kuršašša- (military) [Hittite kurša- (a shield)]
kuwanza (copper) [Hittite kuwanna-, Greek kuanos]
kuwati (how)
lawar- (to break) [Greek labra (a path in a rock)]
lali- (a language) [Hittite lala-]
luha- (a light) [IE *leuk- (to light), CA *luk- (to light)]
maddu- (honey) [IE *medhu- (honey, honey drink)]
malhaššašši- (belonging to the victim)
mallit- (honey) [IE *meli-t- (honey), CA *melit- (honey)]
mammanna- (to speak) [Hittite mema-]
mammijan- (a word) [Hittite memija-]
man (if) [Hittite man]
mana- (to pronounce)
masahani- (to favour)
maššana- (a god)
mawa- (four) [Hittite meu, muwa (four)]
muwattalli- (strong, mighty)
nakkuššaunta (they replaced)
nanašri- (a sister)
nani- (a brother)
nanun (now) [IE *- (now)]
nawa (not, no) [IE *n- (not)]
ni-, niš- (not; negative particle) [IE *n- (not)]
nišnija- (to link)
owašša- (to dress) [IE *wes- (to dress), Hittite wašanzi- (they dress)]
palahša- (a shield) [Sanskrit phalakam]
palha- (wide) [IE *pl-, *plú-, *pl-t- (flat, wide, full), CA *plha- (wide)]
para-, papra- (to pursuit)
parna- (a house) [Hittite parn-, pir- (a house)]
parrai- (high) [CA *phrkhu- (high)]
parran, pari (forward, across) [Greek para, peri, Latin pro, Hittite para]
parta- (part of a body) [IE *part- 'to divide']
pati- (a foot) [IE *ped- (a foot), Hittite pata-]
pijama- (given) [Hittite pai- (to give)]
pipišša- (to give) [Hittite pai-]
sarhija- (to attack) [Hittite sarh- (to attack)]
šarri, šarra (above, up) [CA *ser- (up)]
šuwa- (to fill) [Hittite šuwai-, Sanskrit s'vayati]
taluppi- (clay)
tapašša- (fever) [IE *tep- 'hot']
tappaš- (sky) [IE *nebho-, *nebh-es- (sky), CA *ntephes- (sky)]
tarhunt- (thunder god) [Hittite tarh-]
tarkummija- (to announce) [Hittite tarkummai-]
tarpalli- (a change) [IE *terp- 'to turn']
tarweja- (wooden) [IE *deru-, *derw- (a tree), CA *daru- (a tree)]
tasi'- (a stone stele)
tatar- (to damn) [CA *tr- (to speak)]
tati- (a father)
tawi- (an eye)
tideimi- (a son)
tijammi- (ground)
titita- (a nose) [Hittite titita-]
tiwat- (god of the sun) [IE *deiwo- (sky god), CA *diu- (god of daylight)]
tumman- (an ear)
tupai- (to beat) [Hittite tupi- (to beat)]
tuwa- (to put, to put)
ura- (big)
ušša- (a year) [IE *wes- (old, a year), Hittite usa-]
uwalant-, ulant- (dead)
walwa- (a lion) [IE *lew- 'lion']
wanatti- (a woman) [IE *gwen- (a wife), CA *gwana- (a woman)]
waralli- (own, proper)
wassina- (a body)
waš- (to dress up) [IE *wes- (to dress), Hittite weš-, waš-]
wašha- (a host) [Hittite ešha]
waštara- (a cattleman) [Hittite weštara-]
wašu-, wašui- (good) [IE *wesu-]
winijant- (wine) [IE *woino-]
ziti- (a person, a man)

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